TicTactician is a strategic twist on the old classic with a clean and minimal aesthetic.

This is a beta build, features might be broken or missing. Your feedback is welcome and appreciated in the comments.


The basic premise of TicTactician is that the game never ends with a tie! Here's a quick section on the gameplay:

  • When the board is full, you instead get to swap one of your opponent's pieces with a piece of your own, or replace one of your blockers with a normal piece.
  • Long press or right click to place a blocker. Blockers don't match with other pieces. Your opponent may clear your blocker by making a match in an adjacent tile, or you can swap one of your blockers for a normal piece if the board is full. You have a limited number of blockers, or none at all depending on the game mode. You get a placed blocker back once it's cleared.
  • Some levels have turn timers and/or level timers. Turn timers are displayed to the left of the game board, and once the timer runs out you lose your turn. Level timers are displayed to the right of the board, and the level ends if the timer runs out.


Blitz: Play a first-to-five match against the AI on a 3x3 board with turn timers enabled.

2P Blitz: Local multiplayer version of the Blitz mode.

Sprint: Play random levels on 3x3 and 4x4 boards with increasingly difficult goals and AI.

Quick: Play a random sprint level, except puzzles.


  • Sometimes when a blocker is cleared, the blocker may not be returned to the owner or be returned to the wrong player.
  • AI opponents don't yet know how to play blockers.


  • Controller support
  • Desktop and mobile releases.

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